Operate in Open Spaces
Discover the career you’ve been looking for, performing the operations you’re passionate about. South Dakota’s rapidly growing manufacturing industry has thousands of open positions for you to choose from. Take the best step for your career and find your dream manufacturing job.
Find Opportunities
Manufacturing in south dakota
Explore opportunities to manufacture high-quality goods, from world-class precision agriculture products to display boards used at professional sports’ stadiums around the globe. Join the 10% of South Dakota’s workforce innovating the industry.
93.3% of exports from South Dakota are manufactured goods
(International Trade Administration)
$5.2 Billion Manufacturing GDP in 2021
(sd goed)
Makes up 8.5% of the state’s GDP
(sd goed)
explore the industries
the story of someone in south dakota.
Farm workers are the backbone of the American food system, and a vital pillar of the American economy.

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Freedom works here
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Freedom Works Here is an original series where we unlock the doors to real stories, real opportunities, and real freedom in South Dakota. Through insightful documentaries, you’ll get to know the incredible companies and individuals who call this vibrant state home.
learn more about the series
Discover South Dakota
South Dakota isn’t just a great place to work. It’s a great place to live, play, and build your family’s future.
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